
How can I help?

Aegroti salus suprema lex.
The patient's welfare is the highest law.

This saying, which was ascribed to Hippocrates in the 5th century BC and is an elementary part of the ethics of the Hippocratic oath, remains a model and an incentive at the same time in the 21st century. I have therefore deliberately chosen this principle as a maxim and anchored it in the logo of the practice.

Working as a private doctor allows me to advise, prescribe and treat independently and free of budgeting. The patient as an individual is always at the center of medical action. It is particularly important to me to take enough time for you and your concerns so that I can advise you as best as possible and do justice to your clinical picture.

I look after and accompany you in all areas of General practitioner-internal care With Focus on infectious diseases, tropical and travel medicine:
  • acute and chronic diseases
  • unclear infectious / inflammatory clinical pictures
  • Psychosomatics
  • Preventive examinations / check-up
  • Vaccinations
  • Travel advice
  • Tropical suitability (e.g. weltwärts)
  • Tropical return investigation (e.g. weltwärts)
Vertrauensvolle Atmosphäre in der Praxis am Rothenbaum
Hausarzt, Internist, Infektiologe Dr. Claudia Rothmund
The following diagnostic procedures are available in practice:
  • EKG
  • Long-term blood pressure measurement
  • Oxygen saturation measurement (SpO2)
  • Ultrasound examinations
  • Laboratory tests
    • Medical checkups / clinical chemistry
    • Infection diagnosis by means of specific antibody detection (so-called serology)
    • Infection diagnostics by direct detection of pathogens (e.g. from blood, stool, urine, smear)
    • Sexually transmitted diseases
    • Vaccination titer (statements on vaccination protection)
    • Rheumatological / immunological parameters
    • Vitamins / trace elements
    • Hormones
About cost
The structure of the private practice is deliberately chosen. It makes it possible to make diagnostic and therapeutic decisions freely and to give the patient more time, regardless of the given framework conditions and only committed to the goal of the best patient care.
Patients with statutory health insurance also have the opportunity to use the services of the practice and are welcome, but they must bear the costs themselves if there is no additional insurance (so-called self-payer).

To make it easier to record your patient data, a short treatment contract is helpful, which you can easily fill out at home as a PDF (using the fountain pen symbol in the top right in the processing bar) or in the classic way by hand in the practice (see below).

The costs are based on the specifications of Fee schedule for doctors (GOÄ) and are made up of the time required and the difficulty of the individual services provided. Laboratory services are only included in the medical liquidation to a very limited extent and are billed separately by the laboratories.

For one Presentation with a doctor's consultation, physical examination and small laboratory cost around € 120 on. The patient receives an invoice in which all services are broken down transparently and comprehensibly in accordance with GOÄ.
Kosten für Selbstzahler und Privatversicherte nach GOÄ
Praxis für Innere Medizin, Infektiologe, Tropenmedizin am Rothenbaum
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